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- 2020.02.11, Dinex Joins NGVA Europe
Dinex Joins NGVA Europe
We are pleased to announce that Dinex has joined the Natural and Bio Gas Vehicle Association.The Natural & Bio Gas Vehicle Association (NGVA Europe) is a European association that promotes the use of natural and renewable gas as a transport fuel. Founded in 2008, its 129 members from 28+3 countries include companies and national associations from across the entire gas and vehicle manufacturing chain. This platform involves producers and distributors of vehicles and natural gas, as well as component manufacturers, gas suppliers and gas distributors. It defends their interests to European decision-makers to create accurate standards, fair regulations and equal market conditions.For Dinex, joining the NGVA creates opportunities for networking with major stakeholders on positions and actions to expand the market for the natural gas transport system. Membership also open access to NGVA extensive library of publications on reliable facts and significant developments in the gas market.
Check out www.ngva.eu for more information and insight.